Главная / 45 mins

45 mins

Шоколадные блинчики
Pancakes are one of the most popular dishes. They are in use every day, and are appropriate for the...
Chocolate pancakes
45 mins
1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
Evrika 29741 0
Шарлотка с бананами
Any tea party, as a rule, is accompanied by a variety of sweets, pastries, and desserts. Naturally, in...
Charlotte with bananas
45 mins
1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
Irjkf 28210 0
Форель в духовке
The recipe that hozOboz will surely present to your court today is destined to become one of the most...
Trout in the oven
45 mins
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Semka 5805 0
Шоколадные пряники
If you are planning to have a tea party with your household or with your girlfriends, then we advise you...
Chocolate gingerbread
45 mins
1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
Irjkf 5708 0
Шоколадные маффины
Homemade cakes are the best culinary option that can be offered with a cup of fragrant invigorating tea...
Chocolate muffins
45 mins
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Irjkf 703 0
Khorovats is a dish of Armenian cuisine, its name comes from the word “horovel”, which means...
45 mins
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Ilili-bbog 25911 0
Шарлотка с изюмом
Gatherings with relatives, friends, colleagues from work with a cup of aromatic drinks can be diversified...
Charlotte with raisins
45 mins
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Irjkf 3194 0
If you do not know what to cook for breakfast, I offer you the perfect option for this important meal...
Pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese
45 mins
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Babblakka 7880 0
There are a large number of recipes for pancakes – in milk, in water, in kefir, even in cucumber...
Pancakes on whey lush
45 mins
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Babblakka 3894 0
Блины на снежке
Pancakes are a dish that is popular and in demand not only on Maslenitsa. They are also baked for the...
Pancakes on a fermented milk product
45 mins
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Irjkf 33629 0
Блины на майонезе
From time immemorial, such pastries as pancakes have come to us. Every self-respecting hostess knows how...
Pancakes with mayonnaise
45 mins
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Irjkf 11806 0
Блины на дрожжах
Everyone knows perfectly well what pancakes are, what they are eaten with and how they are baked in a...
Блины на дрожжах
45 mins
1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
Irjkf 11020 0
Блинчики с грибами
Friends, today HozOboz is pleased to offer everyone an excellent dish – pancakes with mushrooms. To...
Pancakes with mushrooms
45 mins
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Evrika 1903 0
Бефстроганов из говядины
Beefstroganoff – melting pieces of beef in a thick sour cream sauce is incredibly tasty! So,...
45 mins
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Nany 59115 0
Баклажанова икра
Eggplant caviar is an irreplaceable snack in a modern family. Healthy and tasty, caviar from these...
Eggplant caviar
45 mins
1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
Irjkf 1121 0
Бабагануш рецепт
The cuisine of the countries of the East and the Mediterranean is always famous for its originality of...
Babaganoush recipe
45 mins
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Ilili-bbog 1746 0
Армянский плов
Easter sweet Armenian pilaf with Ararat dried fruits. Since ancient times, Armenians have been preparing...
Armenian pilaf
45 mins
1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
Ilili-bbog 5956 0
Арахисовая паста
On the pages of hozOboz today, an indispensable preparation will be presented – homemade peanut...
Peanut paste
45 mins
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Olender 3464 0
Азу по татарски
This meat, very satisfying dish, which includes various vegetable components, including potatoes. As a...
Azu in Tatar
45 mins
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Nany 6662 0
Escalope – what is hidden behind such a mysterious word? Simply put, this is a thin, tender piece...
45 mins
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Julia 74779 0
пирожки бомбочки с помидорами
Hello again, dear HozOBoz readers! It’s time to tell you about a wonderful, but at the same time...
Bomb pies
45 mins
1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
Evrika 4959 0
Мясо с помидорами
If you decide to cook meat with tomatoes, then keep in mind that you have already found a great recipe....
Meat with tomatoes
45 mins
1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
Evrika 9358 0
Бисквитные пирожные
Our today’s hero is a biscuit cake and its recipe. A light and airy biscuit cake with cream for...
Biscuit cakes
45 mins
1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
Kissa 5597 0
Блины на молоке
The best start to the day is a hearty and appetizing snack. For a morning meal, we offer to make pancakes...
Pancakes with milk
45 mins
1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
Irjkf 3172 0
Кекс сметанный
There are times when you urgently need to prepare something sweet for tea, and time is running out, and...
Sour cream cupcake
45 mins
1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
Evrika 7640 0
Картофельный суп
Potato soup, the recipe of which HozOboz offers you today, is a very popular first course. In order to...
Potato soup
45 mins
1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
Evrika 7115 0
Салат овечка
There are only a few days left before the arrival of the New Year 2015. Surely, many have already thought...
Salad sheep
45 mins
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Mutni 1877 0
Салат с сардиной
HozOboz often pleases its readers with a variety of salad recipes. Today we also decided to introduce you...
Salad with sardines
45 mins
1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
Evrika 41708 0
Рыба в томатном соусе
When we hear the name of the recipe “Fish in tomato sauce”, we involuntarily immediately...
Fish in tomato sauce
45 mins
1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
Mutni 106747 0
Аджапсандал рецепт
Ajapsandali is a dish that is prepared by all the peoples of the Caucasus region – Georgians,...
45 mins
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Ilili-bbog 3287 0
Pancakes stuffed with apples and cinnamon are my daughter’s favorite breakfast. During the apple...
Pancakes stuffed with apples
45 mins
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Babblakka 2629 0
The recipe for pancakes with cocoa is perfect for chocolate lovers. There are people who can’t...
Pancakes with cocoa
45 mins
1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
Babblakka 4192 0