Главная / 3 hours

3 hours

Шоколадные трюфели
Do you know what unites all the people of the world? Huge love for tender melt-in-your-mouth chocolate!...
Chocolate truffles
3 hours
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Victory 4020 0
Шашлык из свинины в фольге
We have pork skewers on the menu. We are sure that you are already salivating, remembering the savory...
Pork skewers in foil in the oven
3 hours
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Irjkf 14611 0
Хлебцы ржаные
If you like rye bread, try to cook them with HozOboz. Today you will learn in detail all the secrets to...
Rye bread
3 hours
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Olender 2176 0
In every country, among all peoples, autumn marks the harvest, when ripe vegetables ripen in the fields,...
3 hours
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Ilili-bbog 11565 0
Шашлык из курицы в духовке
Probably, there are few inhabitants who would refuse a tasty piece of meat cooked on the grill. Yes, yes,...
Chicken skewers in the oven
3 hours
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Irjkf 10056 0
Шашлык в духовке
Summer and vacation for many mean the same thing. But, in fact, business and worries do not allow you to...
Shashlik in the oven
3 hours
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Victory 20686 0
Today, in the kitchen of hozOboz, authentic Uzbek / Uyghur chuchvara will be prepared, which is included...
3 hours
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Olender 26186 0
Белый хлеб в хлебопечке
There is a proverb: “Bake bread, bread and eat.” Actually, this is exactly what hozOboz in...
White bread in a bread machine
3 hours
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Evrika 14836 0
Cалат столичный
For many, memories of the shortage on the shelves of Soviet stores are still fresh. Products were hard to...
Capital salad
3 hours
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Julia 17758 0
Рождественский кекс
This recipe is dedicated to a very interesting dish, which is a symbol of the great Christian holiday of...
Christmas cupcake
3 hours
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Semka 18969 0
Ватрушки с творогом
The work of a baker has long been valued above all other artisan professions, because in order to knead...
Cheesecakes with cottage cheese
3 hours
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Kissa 72285 0
Свинина в фольге
Today we will talk about what vegetarians do not eat. Guessed? This is meat! Of the various ways of...
Pork in foil
3 hours
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Kissa 12246 0
Торт сердце
What could be tastier for a sweet tooth than tea drinking with a treat? A heart-shaped sweet treat that...
Heart cake
3 hours
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Kissa 41747 0
Sincerely and with open arms we welcome you, dear readers, to the pages of our site. Our plans for today...
Cinnamon buns recipe
3 hours
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Irjkf 296 0
Ржаной хлеб в хлебопечке
In the old days they said: “With skill, you can bake bread even from stone.” We will not...
Rye bread in a bread machine
3 hours
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Evrika 56738 0
Hello dear readers. Today we are preparing a cheesecake with agar agar. Without a doubt, this dessert has...
Cheesecake with agar agar
3 hours
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Zlata 5893 0
Welcome to the pages of our culinary site. Today we cook lamb ribs with potatoes – a sweet, kind...
Lamb ribs recipe
3 hours
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Moneta 147 0
Greetings, dear readers. We are glad to announce that today we are cooking pilaf on the grill. Pilaf,...
Pilaf on the grill
3 hours
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Wymen 95 0
We are glad to welcome you friends to our website. Today we are preparing cabbage soup with barley and...
Cabbage soup with barley
3 hours
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Ilili-bbog 349 0
There is no secret that there is a bread machine that really facilitates the bread making process at...
Bread Machine Sweet Bread
3 hours
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Evrika 21958 0
Yeast dough is often hard to manage with, but with the emergence of bread maker all you need is just to...
Buns in a bread maker
3 hours
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Evrika 31734 0
Making homemade bread is not a problem today, especially if you have such an incredibly useful as a bread...
Bran Bread
3 hours
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Irjkf 29816 0
A great chef or housewife is always ready to delight theirs guests with something delicious. That’s why...
3 hours
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Kissa 83923 0
If your want to impress your family of friends with something special on the table, jellied eggs is the...
Jellied eggs
3 hours
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Sima 3916 0