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Salad with baked pumpkin

  • Nutrition Facts
  • Calories: 134
  • Protein: 4
  • Fats: 10
  • Carbohydrates: 6,5
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  • Ratings 5
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    Finally, we are with you again, our dear readers. Today we will cook a salad with baked pumpkin. Perhaps this wording is not familiar to everyone, in principle, because pumpkin is more of an ingredient for porridge or dessert, well, or at worst for juice, but not everyone puts it in a salad and not every day. And our salad will be not only with baked pumpkin, but also with cheese. But more on that later, but for now, a little history.

    History of the dish

    Pumpkin is rightfully considered the oldest vegetable in America. There she is held in high esteem to this day. Today, apart from America itself, the pumpkin grows all over the world - wherever at least something can grow. Such love for this plant is explained by the amazing properties of pumpkin and its almost waste-free consumption. Do not eat in it unless the peel.

    Pumpkin pulp is excellent both raw and cooked, the seeds are eaten both raw and dried, and even oil is beaten from them. And the simplest thing that can be prepared from pumpkin is salads, which are varied. Someone prepares a salad with baked pumpkin and arugula, others - a salad with baked beets and pumpkin or a salad with baked pumpkin and feta. And this is not the whole list. We will prepare one of these options and we will start today and start right now.


    • Pumpkin - 300 g (peeled)
    • Pitted olives - 100 g
    • Cheese - 200 g
    • String beans - 150 g
    • Ground nutmeg - 1 tsp.
    • Refueling:
    • Olive oil - 3 tbsp.
    • Soy sauce - 1 tbsp.
    • Garlic - 2 tooth.
    • Ground black pepper - ½ tsp.
    • For submission:
    • Sesame - to taste


    1. Let's free the pumpkin from the peel and seeds, peel the garlic.

      Pumpkin should be honored from the skin and seeds

    2. Let's cook the green beans until cooked.

      In the meantime, we will also cook the beans

    3. Cut the pumpkin into slices, put it on a baking sheet, sprinkle with nutmeg, send it to the oven to bake at a temperature of 180 degrees until soft. We test for readiness on our own.

      The pumpkin cut into pieces should be laid out on a baking sheet, sprinkled with nutmeg and baked at a temperature of 180 degrees until soft

    4. Cut the cheese into small cubes.

      While the pumpkin is baking, cut the cheese

    5. Cut each olive into 2 parts.

      Olives are also divided into two halves

    6. Cut the baked pumpkin into small cubes.

      Cut the baked pumpkin into cubes

    7. Put cheese, olives, pumpkin, green beans in a salad bowl.

      In a bowl, mix olives, pumpkin, cheese and beans

    8. Prepare the dressing. In a bowl, mix oil, pepper, squeeze garlic, add soy sauce. Let's mix everything.

      For dressing, mix vegetable oil, soy sauce and garlic

    9. Add the dressing to the salad bowl and mix everything.

      Fill the salad

    10. Divide the finished salad into portioned bowls, add sesame seeds to taste, serve.

      Spread the salad on plates and sprinkle with sesame seeds

    The benefits of the dish

    Yes, yes and again, yes! Pumpkin salad baked in the oven is simply wonderful both in taste and in terms of benefits. It is good for the stomach and for the mood. That is why the recipes by which you can cook a salad with baked pumpkin are so diverse. They can be found in thousands of cookbooks if you wish. But I am sure that when you try our salad, you will certainly want to repeat it with other products. Therefore, let us know about your experiments, we will be happy to talk about them from the pages of our site. Your HozOBoz!

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