Shashlik in the microwave

  • Nutrition Facts
  • Calories: 104
  • Protein: 22.1
  • Fats: 1.1
  • Carbohydrates: 0.8
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  • Ratings 4
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    With the advent of heat, the air begins to smell of the fragrant smell of roasted meat on a fire. Everyone goes out for picnics after hibernation and opens the barbecue season. But really, the lion's share of the cold season will have to yearn for this incredibly tasty dish that almost all people adore. hozOboz will not let the longing for this dish, popular at all times, get into your souls and help you cook an amazing shish kebab in the microwave. Incredible, ladies and gentlemen, but this is possible!

    From antiquity to modern times

    It is simply impossible to find the country in which the historical origins of the origin of this meat dish are located. An ancient man, who felt himself smarter and stronger than animals, began to hunt them and roast them at the stake - there was no other way of cooking in those distant times. Centuries passed, stoves appeared over time, but people continued to eat meat fried over a fire. No other cooking method or recipe could overshadow the delicious taste of a meat dish saturated with the smell of wood.

    Among the potential contenders for the title of "ancestor of shish kebab" the first positions are occupied by Caucasians. But the geography of this dish covers the wide expanses of the world map from the Italian toe of the boot to the land of the rising sun. The name was coined in the Crimean Tatar settlements and meant a skewer, on which marinated pieces of meat were strung. Azerbaijanis call it β€œkebab”, and the Turks call it β€œshish-kebab”, which is close in pronunciation. Georgians prepare shish kebab for honorable guests according to ancient traditions - on a dry vine. In the vastness of our Motherland, the wood of various fruit trees is mainly used.

    Over time, in America, only the way of roasting meat on a fire changed - they stopped stringing it on skewers or skewers, and chose an easier way - to fry it on metal grills in a barbecue. We experiment together - we cook deliciously.

    HozOboz has chosen its original way and today it will amaze with the preparation of shish kebab in a microwave oven with a grill. In order to cook chicken skewers in the microwave, it is not necessary to go hunting, as people did in ancient times, but to easily and quickly purchase affordable products that are part of the recipe for this dish.

    So, you will need:

    • 500 gr. fresh chicken fillet;
    • 1 large red onion Mars;
    • 32 gr. soy sauce;
    • freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon;
    • 40 gr. Sahara;
    • wooden long skewers;
    • 36 gr. vegetable oil;
    • 2 small cloves of garlic;
    • 12 gr. spices for barbecue or any other at your discretion.

    Steps for cooking chicken skewers in the microwave:

    1. According to the list of ingredients, we prepare the necessary products in accordance with the standards.

      According to the list of ingredients, we prepare the necessary products in accordance with the standards.

    2. In a separate container, prepare a special marinade - pour in soy sauce.

      In a separate container, prepare a special marinade - pour in soy sauce.

    3. Add sugar to the marinade.

      Add sugar to the marinade.

    4. Pour vegetable oil into the substance.

      Pour vegetable oil into the substance.

    5. Press firmly on the lemon and squeeze out all the juice from it.

      Press firmly on the lemon and squeeze out all the juice from it.

    6. Grind the garlic in a special garlic maker or three on a fine grater.

      Grind the garlic in a special garlic maker or three on a fine grater.

    7. Add carefully chopped garlic to the marinade.

      Add carefully chopped garlic to the marinade.

    8. Pour spices.

      Pour spices.

    9. Gently mix all the liquid.

      Gently mix all the liquid.

    10. Cut the fillet into small pieces and put them in a bowl.

      Cut the fillet into small pieces and put them in a bowl.

    11. Pour the meat with the previously prepared marinade.

      Pour the meat with the previously prepared marinade.

    12. Gently chop the onion into thin rings, put half of it in the barbecue, and leave the other half. We let it brew and marinate the meat well for several hours.

      Gently chop the onion into thin rings, put half of it in the barbecue, and leave the other half. We let it brew and marinate the meat well for several hours.

    13. After the time has elapsed, we string meat and onions alternately on a skewer.

      After the time has elapsed, we string meat and onions alternately on a skewer.

    14. We put them on a special form, matched to the length of the skewer. So the liquid will flow clearly into the container.

      We put them on a special form, matched to the length of the skewer. So the liquid will flow clearly into the container.

    15. We send it to the microwave for 30 minutes and follow the cooking process.

      We send it to the microwave for 30 minutes and follow the cooking process.

    16. We invite guests and enjoy the great taste of this dish in a friendly company.

      We invite guests and enjoy the great taste of this dish in a friendly company.

    Good for your health

    HozOboz quite often uses chicken fillet to prepare its signature dishes and has repeatedly openly declared the enormous benefits of this protein product. I would like to once again focus on its beneficial properties for the human body:

    • high content of Mn contributes to the rapid elimination of fatigue and recuperation;
    • significantly improves mental activity of the brain, especially memory;
    • vitamin B, which is rich in this tender meat, is responsible for the functioning of the nervous system;
    • Daily use in food provides a healthy color and ideal skin condition.

    Polyphony of tastes

    To prepare this dish, you can use different meats - pork, beef, turkey and other types. But one of the most delicious is pork skewers in the microwave. The dish to which today's review is dedicated is just one spikelet in a field of wheat. There are thousands of different versions of recipes in which a significant difference is only in the preparation of the marinade, the rest is a matter of technique. Marinades are prepared according to different principles.

    Dominant against the general background of all recipes is presidential shish kebab, cooked in champagne. Be sure to try this dish in this version. You can make it exactly the same way as cooking a barbecue in a microwave, only we replace soy sauce with white champagne, and at the same time you can mark the entry of a new dish in a book with selected recipes with this playful drink. Indeed, from now on, your relatives and guests will often initiate the preparation of this unusually delicious dish in such an unusual performance. And finally, sensational news from HozOboz - now the barbecue season in your house will be open all year round.

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