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Stewed potatoes in milk

  • Nutrition Facts
  • Calories: 76
  • Protein: 2,5
  • Fats: 2,3
  • Carbohydrates: 12

    Hello friends, we are glad that you decided to be with us today. We are pleased to announce today's hero. In the heading recipe of the day potatoes stewed in milk. It sounds unusual to many, but believe me, it's worth a try. The taste will pleasantly surprise you and make you certainly treat your family with this dish. Potatoes stewed in milk, or rather, its recipe is not particularly remarkable, and nevertheless deserves attention, and you can see for yourself. In the meantime, a little history.

    History of the dish

    The homeland of potatoes is South America. It is there and today it can still be found growing wild. About 9 thousand years ago, mankind changed its history and introduced into the diet one of the main products of any national cuisine - potatoes. Then in modern Bolivia, no one could have thought what kind of revolution he was making. This wild plant was simply introduced into food by local Indians. True, in Europe, they learned about potatoes only closer to the 16th century, and here it was recognized as a poisonous decorative culture.

    And only with the recognition of the nutritional and taste qualities of one of the French agronomists, the potato began its triumphant march around the world. Since then, potatoes have been used everywhere and in any form. Stewed potatoes with meat in milk and without it, boiled potatoes, soup made from potatoes, zraza, dumplings, etc. By the way, our today's dish also allows variations: stewed potatoes with milk can be cooked in a saucepan, or, if desired, it can be stewed in a kettle. And for lovers of modern gadgets, it is important to note that potatoes stewed in milk will also work great in a multicooker. You can choose any of the options you like, and we proceed to a detailed description of the process.


    • Potatoes - 700 g
    • Milk - 500 ml
    • Butter - 30 g
    • Salt - 1 tsp


    1. Let's prepare the products. Peel and wash the potatoes.

      First, we will prepare the necessary products

    2. Cut the potatoes into slices of any size.

      The potatoes that we peeled and washed must be cut into slices

    3. Put the sliced ​​potatoes in a saucepan and cover with milk. Turn on medium heat and wait until the milk begins to boil, then turn down the heat and simmer the potatoes in milk over low heat for 40 minutes until the potatoes are soft.

      Put the chopped potatoes in a saucepan and fill with milk. Bring the potatoes to a boil and then cook over medium heat for about 40 minutes until tender

    4. At the end of stewing, salt the potatoes and add a piece of butter. Turn off the fire in 10 minutes.

      At the end of the preparation, the potatoes need to be salted and seasoned to taste, and then boiled for about 10 minutes more

    5. Put the potatoes stewed in milk on portioned plates.

      We put the finished potatoes on plates and serve to the table

    The benefits of the dish

    Potatoes, contrary to popular belief, are useful. Yes, yes, you heard right. It is rich in many vitamins and minerals and is very good in its taste. And this, you see, is not common. Moreover, stewing or cooking is one of the most successful ways to prepare it. So don't be shelved and cook potatoes stewed in milk on the stove or in the oven. And to diversify your diet, stewed potatoes with chicken and milk are perfect. Do you like potatoes? What do you cook from them? Tell us and let's cook together - it will be fun and interesting. Your HozOboz!

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