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Sourdough pancakes

  • Nutrition Facts
  • Calories: 559
  • Protein: 40
  • Fats: 35
  • Carbohydrates: 17

    Dear readers, today we will talk about pancakes, or rather about leavened pancakes. Everyone knows that there are many pancake recipes in the world and the one that we will offer you today is one of many, but worthy of your attention. Among others, the recipe for making sourdough pancakes is no better or worse, it is just different. There are pancakes with fresh milk, pancakes with kefir, and also pancakes with curdled milk and even just with water, and of course, pancakes with rye sourdough, which we will talk about today.

    But before proceeding directly to the recipe, we will talk a little about the history and basic techniques of the correct preparation of this delicious concoction.

    History of the dish

    Pancakes are flour products that are round in shape and must certainly be flat. Such pancakes are prepared from batter in a frying pan by frying. Such a dish can be consumed by itself, or can be used as a basis for appetizers or desserts, wrapping various fillings in them. The history of this dish is not known for certain. It is only clear that pancakes have been known for many, many centuries on all continents and in different countries. Everyone who eats flour from anything else knows how and loves to cook pancakes. The world knows French pancakes - craps, Mongolian gambirs, Chinese pancakes, In Bulgaria they are known as executioners, in England as pancakes, Hindus prepare dosa, etc., you can list them endlessly. One of the options for such a wonderful dish we will cook today and will be sourdough pancakes without yeast. And in order for the pancakes to turn out that you need to perform a couple of important techniques:

    - do not make too steep dough;
    - milk should be fatter - at least 3.2% fat;
    - knead the pancakes as best as possible so that there are no lumps left. Of course, each type of pancakes will have subtleties, but in this particular case it is important to pay attention to these conditions. For the rest, trust our recipe and enjoy the taste of the wonderful pancakes.


    • Rye sourdough - 100 g
    • Soda - 1 tsp
    • Salt - 1/2 tsp
    • Wheat flour - 150 g
    • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
    • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
    • Rye flour - 100 g
    • Milk - 500 ml


    1. Prepare milk and heat it up to 25 degrees.

      Prepare milk and heat it up to 25 degrees.

    2. In a bowl, combine warm milk and sourdough until smooth.

      In a bowl, combine warm milk and sourdough until smooth.

    3. Add salt, soda and two types of flour to the mixture.

      Add salt, soda and two types of flour to the mixture.

    4. The dough during mixing should turn out to be quite liquid. It should be left ready for 15 minutes so that bubbles appear on the surface.

      The dough during mixing should turn out to be quite liquid. It should be left ready for 15 minutes so that bubbles appear on the surface.

    5. Add vegetable oil to the dough.

      Add vegetable oil to the dough.

    6. Preheat a greased frying pan and pour out the first portion of the dough, giving it the shape of a round and thin pancake - a napolis.

      Preheat a greased frying pan and pour out the first portion of the dough, giving it the shape of a round and thin pancake - a napolis.

    7. When the pancake is fried on one side, turn it over and fry again.

      When the pancake is fried on one side, turn it over and fry again.

    8. The finished pancake must be removed from the pan and folded into a triangle. Pancakes should be served hot with jam and sour cream. Pancakes on the leftovers of sourdough are ready to delight you and your loved ones. Bon appetit, everyone!

      The finished pancake must be removed from the pan and folded into a triangle. Pancakes should be served hot with jam and sour cream. Pancakes on the leftovers of sourdough are ready to delight you and your loved ones. Bon appetit, everyone!

    The benefits of the dish

    Among all currently existing pancakes with rye sourdough and their recipe can be safely called the most useful, although there are also pancakes with wheat sourdough and yogurt. The thing is that the sourdough itself is a unique product with a delicate and sour taste, which will certainly please children and adults. The starter culture has an excellent effect on the functioning of the digestive system and improves the absorption of calcium, phosphorus and iron. And sourdough baked goods always turn out fluffy, soft and appetizing. So we choose the best and cook with sourdough.

    Do you know sourdough recipes? If yes, we are looking forward to your letters and will be happy to tell you about your experiments from the pages of our site. Let's be friends and cook together - it's great, believe me. Have you decided to try? We are happy to help and will be there for you. Always your HozOboz!

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