Nest salad

  • Nutrition Facts
  • Calories: 31
  • Protein: 2
  • Fats: 2
  • Carbohydrates: 1
    Салат перепелиное гнездо

    No holiday is complete without tasty and attractive appetizers in the form of salads and cold dishes. They are so popular that guests often ask only for them, ignoring the second hot dishes. One of these appetizers is a quail nest salad. Seeing it for the first time on the table, all guests are surprised by its exclusive appearance, because the salad really resembles a quail nest veiled among the greenery.

    Its history is very ancient and goes back to the times of distant Tsarist Russia, when noble boyars went hunting. It was in the hunting lodges that this hearty and unique dish originated, but in our recipe we will talk about its smaller brother salad, which saw the light of day after 2000. At the heart of the salad nest with quail eggs is the well-known garlic appetizer made from processed cheeses, but the frame for it is smoked suluguni cheese, the release of which in huge batches was organized only in the 2000s. Such a quail nest recipe is much simpler and easier to prepare, because it is created in just 10-15 minutes. Let's try to cook it together with improvised ingredients!

    You will need these ingredients:

    • 1 pack. smoked cheese Suluguni "Pigtail";
    • 8-10 pcs. quail eggs;
    • 1-2 processed cheese "Friendship";
    • 2 tablespoons mayonnaise;
    • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
    • 3-4 pinches of salt;
    • greens for decoration.

    How to make quail nest salad, recipe with photo

    1. You can safely create a dish 20 minutes before the guests arrive - you will definitely have time and you will even have time to decorate the salad.

      You can safely create a dish 20 minutes before the guests arrive - you will definitely have time and you will even have time to decorate the salad.

    2. The longest step in the recipe with a photo of a quail nest salad is the heat treatment of quail eggs. Surprised?! And it really is! We place the quail eggs in a saucepan and boil for 7-10 minutes until cool. A significant plus of such eggs is that they are never infected with salmonellosis, so they can even be drunk raw! Well, the benefits of quail eggs are many times greater than those of chicken ones. When the time for boiling comes to an end, remove the saucepan from the heat, pour out hot water and immediately fill it with cold water. A momentary change in temperature will separate the inner film from the shell in the egg and it will be easier to clean.

      First of all, boil the quail eggs for 7 minutes and immediately fill them with cold water.

    3. But while the eggs are boiled, unfold and grate the processed cheese on a fine grater. For a salad, a quail nest with a photo can also be used with a coarse grater, but fine chopping looks much more visually attractive.

      On a grater, grind smaller processed cheeses.

    4. Then peel the garlic cloves from the husk and pass them through the press into the grated cheese mass. Add or reduce the number of garlic cloves depending on your taste. At this stage of preparation add salt and salt. We can add your favorite seasonings, for example: dried parsley or dill, a mixture of Provencal herbs and dried basil, mushroom seasoning.

      Now squeeze the peeled garlic cloves to the grated cheese and add salt, and, if desired, season with aromatic herbs and spices.

    5. Fill the layer of curds with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly with a fork. A little pressure on mixing is even welcome - so the whole mass will be wrapped in a light garlic aroma. By the way, you are also free to choose your own mayonnaise: light, fatty, mustard, etc.

      Add mayonnaise to the seasoned grated cheese and mix the products well with a fork.

    6. Then we release the suluguni cheese from the wrapper and unwind the knotted pigtail. Such cheese consists of numerous thin flagella, which are soaked in brine and liquid smoke, and then tied into pigtails and packaged for sale.

      We untwine smoked suluguni cheese in a pigtail.

    7. For one serving of snacks, we will need about 2-3 flagella. We separate them into thin, thin cheese hairs, and the more such threads you separate, the more magnificent the nest you have prepared will be in appearance.

      For a portion of salad, we use no more than 3 braids. Moreover, each of the portioned strips should be divided into small fibers, and the more of these you get, the better.

    8. We start collecting our nests - put a green leaf of lettuce or other greens on a serving plate for decoration. On it, with the help of a tablespoon, lay out a portion of the garlic-cheese mass, trying to give it a rounded look.

      For serving, put a lettuce leaf or any other greens on a plate, and put a tablespoon of rounded cheese mass on top.

    9. We twist a small ring from thin strings of smoked cheese in our hands, which we lay out around the cheese mass. The more magnificent you make it, the more beautiful your appetizer will look on a plate.

      From the fibers of the cheese we form a magnificent ring, which we lay out around the cheese mass, thereby giving the appetizer the shape of a nest.

    10. Then, in the middle of each nest, lay out two boiled and peeled quail eggs.

      Inside each makeshift nest we place several boiled and peeled quail eggs.

    11. We decorate the appetizer salad with fresh herbs - as if we hide it a little, because quails mask their nests in tall grass. Egg shells should not be thrown away - they make an excellent entourage for a recipe with a photo of a quail nest. We spread its parts on a plate along the edges and serve to the table.

      Now we will decorate the finished "quail's nest" with greenery so that the illusion is created that the nest is hidden in it. By the way, you can even use the egg shell left in the cooking process for serving.  Enjoy your meal!

    There is no need to talk about the benefits of cheese, because even small children know about it! In addition to filling the body with calcium, cheese, thanks to the lactic acid bacteria present in it, normalizes the work of the gastric tract, and the garlic note enhances and inflames the appetite. The use of quail eggs improves vision and memory, strengthens the nervous system. They contain 3-4 times more potassium, phosphorus and iron than ordinary chicken eggs.

    Prepare such a juicy spicy snack at least every day - you will never get tired of its taste! If you do not have quail eggs available, then decorate the dish with quarters of a boiled chicken egg, and melted cheese can successfully replace regular low-fat cottage cheese. Most importantly, trust your imagination and create new dishes yourself.

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