Lamb Stew

  • Nutrition Facts
  • Calories: 156
  • Protein: 7.77
  • Fats: 11
  • Carbohydrates: 5.41

    Today we have an excellent combination of grilled meat and stewed vegetables - lamb stew with vegetables. The dish is definitely a very flavorful, nutritious and healthy. As a basis, we decided to take the lamb meat, to be precise -  its leg. Of course we removed all the pulp and used for burgers, but the bone was used fro ours today dish. Ragout from mutton bones are much tastier than from a single piece of meat. The dish turns out less fatty which is very important for most of us.

    Some history of lamb stew

    Meat and vegetable ingredients, chopped and cooked in a certain way by a long languishing in an earthenware dish in the oven or in a frying pan with a thick bottom, but always under the lid, are called stews. In the proper ragout recipe  is believed to first appear in France. The word ''ragu'' comes from the French ‘'Ragout''. The interesting thing is that in many European countries, a similar method of preparation was also very popular, but nobody knows why the French are considered the inventors of this masterpiece of culinary art.

    Lamb stew recipe which we will describe here today is not exactly  European. This is a traditional Russian dish and it can be cooked both quick and simple by anyone, even the most inept cook. Of course, with our help. We’re going  to tell you everything slowly, step by step.

    Ingredients for lamb stew:

    • lamb leg
    • 1-2 carrots
    • 1-2 onions
    • 6-8 potatoes
    • 1 bell pepper
    • vegetable oil
    • herbs
    • salt and pepper
    • some spices
    • 6 cloves of garlic
    • 1 cup of boiling water

    Stew lamb with vegetables recipe:

    1. In a frying pan with a thick bottom (you can use the cauldron), pour vegetable oil. Lay the mutton on the pan. We have minced lamb legs, for instance.

      Put the mutton in a pot or saucepan with hot oil.

    2. Fry it on a high heat. Once the crust is golden, lavishly salt it and lower the heat.

      Fry the meat over high heat and remove from the pan as soon as it acquires a golden crust. Then salt it and lower the heat.

    3. Seasoned it with a mixture of peppers. This step is absolutely optional.

      It's time to spice up the taste of meat.

    4. Add salt and pepper. Then peel the onions and carrots, cut them into large pieces,. Preparing the lamb stew, you should never use shredded or grated ingredients — this is very important!

      Peel the onions and carrots and chop vegetables into slices of strips.

    5. The lamb is well browned now, so combine them wit the onions and carrots.

      Add chopped vegetables to the meat.

    6. Shred red bell pepper into large strips.

      Cut fresh pepper.

    7. Add the pepper to the dish now. The stir everything and cover with the lid. The temperature should not be minimized at this stage, but once the vegetables are fried, lower the heat.

      Add pepper to the dish, stir the stew and cover it with a lid. Cook the dish over medium heat, then lower it.

    8. While the vegetables are being stewed, peel and cut the potatoes. Dice it coarsely.

      In the meantime, cut peele into large cubes.

    9. You can make it in advance, and then keep potatoes in cold water for some time to excess starch. Cooking lamb stew with potatoes is a lot of fun, actually.

      If you wish, you can prepare the potatoes in advance and to get rid of the starch just by holding it in cold water.

    10. Put the potatoes in a pan and mix with other ingredients which are half cooked now. Pour sone boiling water in.

      Now put the potatoes in the main pot and stir the stew adding a little boiling water.

    11. The contents of the pan should be seasoned with salt.

      Give it a pinch of slat stew.

    12. It’s recommended to use a one-piece garlic for strewing and crushed one when serving. Do not forget about greens before serving.

      Next we will need a whole garlic. For serving - chopped garlic and greens.

    13. Put it into the gaps between potatoes, as it is sometimes done in the preparation of the Uzbek pilaf. The spices can also added along with garlic.

      Put the entire garlic straight into the pot.

    14. Close the pan and cook lamb stew with vegetables until ready by keeping it under the lid in the oven.

      Close the pot lid and cook stew until tender.

    15. Lamb stew is a family meal. Spread hot in soup plates for a holiday dinner. We complement it with greens and enjoy this delicious meal with you loved ones.

      Serve the hot ragout, season it with chopped fresh herbs and crushed garlic.

    Options and variations of the lamb stew

    Ragout is probably the only dish that has such many different variations. It is enough to replace meat with another kind of it, and now you’ll have a new dish: beef stew, pork stew, chicken stew. Can you imagine there is even a fish stew? Just substitute the vegetable components. For example, you may cook lamb stew with potatoes, cabbage, carrots or even with beans.

    The health benefits of lamb stew

    To prepare our today’s dish we used young lamb's meat. This kind of mutton is considered to be the healthiest. Protein is the most valuable here and it appears  in large quantities. It contains B, E, D and K vitamins as well potassium and calcium salts, magnesium, iron, fluorine, phosphorus, iodine, sulfur, chlorine, manganese and many others. Lamb meat is less calorie than pork, and cholesterol in it is 3-4 times lower.

    It’s worth noting that people who suffer from iron deficiency anemia, are recommended to include lamb stew with vegetables in their diet. It’s easily digestible and incredibly healthy since it fills iron deficiency by 30%. That’s it, your meal is ready now. Hopefully, we will fully revealed all the secrets of lamb stew cooking. We’re looking forwards to your letters with original recipes. Come on HozOboz for new recipes, and you will defiantly find something worth your attention here!

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