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”Giraffe’’ cheesecake

  • Nutrition Facts
  • Calories: 294
  • Protein: 9
  • Fats: 14
  • Carbohydrates: 31

    When we hear the word ‘’giraffe’’ pie we actually think about a great animal chewing the leaves and looking at us from above. But there is also a pie that carries the same name and the reason for that is its appearance. Its pattern reminisces the giraffe spots. The thing is, this pie is extremely delicious and surprisingly healthy! But first, some history and nutrition facts.

    The history of the pie

    Nobody know how was the first to cook the giraffe pie with cottage cheese. However, the history says that first cheesecakes occurred in the Ancient Greece in eighth century B.C. Samos island was the first place where it was cooked. Then the dish migrated from Greece to the Ancient Rome and is thought to be beloved by Julius Caesar. Eventually, the dish appeared in England trough the trade routes and then traveled around the world. Now it’s time to start cooking our delicious giraffe cheesecake. But first, some nutrition facts relating the dessert.

    The health advantages of the cheesecake

    To start with, giraffe cheesecake is about 700 grams of cottage cheese itself! There are, of course, various recipe with the smaller amount of it, but do we really need i if we have the yummy giraffe cheesecake, the recipe of which HozOboz prepared for you today. Our recipe contains less dough but a lot of cottage cheese that is extremely healthy.

    The interesting fact is, the cottage cheese is very quick and easily digestible by the human body. Proteins contained in curd are digested much faster than those contained in other products. Cottage cheese also contains essential amino acids called tryptophan and methionine. These amino acids are essential for the smooth operation of our digestive system and normal functioning of your nervous system. In general, you can imagine how much benefit you get from the delicious cake we are going to cook now. Moreover, there is not only benefit for your health but also benefit from a purely aesthetic point of view.

    Ingredients for giraffe cheesecake:

    For the dough:

    • 200 grams of butter
    • 150 grams of sugar
    • an egg
    • 2,5 cups of flour
    • 2 tablespoon cocoa
    • a teaspoon of soda with vinegar

    For the filling:

    • 150 grams of sugar
    • 700 grams of cottage cheese
    • a cup of sour cream
    • 3 eggs
    • 3 tablespoons of starch

    The preparation of the giraffe cheesecake

    1. Soft butter and sugar go to the bowl of the food processor. If don't have one, use ordinary mixer.

      Put sugar and soft butter in the food processor. If don't have one, then use blender.

    2. Whip the butter and sugar until the substance gets dense.

      Mix the ingredients until the mixture gets dense.

    3. Add an egg, whip everything up.

      Break an egg in the bowl.

    4. Now, flour goes in.

      Add the necessary amount of flour.

    5. It’s time to add some cocoa.

      Then, add some cocoa.

    6. Then, add soda dampened with vinegar or lemon juice.

      Soda should be dampened with lemon juice or vinegar.

    7. Whip everything thoroughly and you’ll get fairly hard dough.

      All the components should be whipped up.

    8. Wrap the dough in the cling film, then put it in the fridge for about half an hour.

      Ready dough should be wrapped and sent to the fridge.

    9. Now, we’re moving on to the cake filling. Put some cottage cheese in the bowl of the food processor.

      To make filling, use curd and place it in the bowl.

    10. Add sour cream now.

      Then, add some sour cream to the curd.

    11. Now add some sugar powder to the filling.

      Sugar goes in the bowl as well.

    12. Break the eggs and add them to the filing.

      You’ll also need eggs for the filling.

    13. Finally, add some starch. HozOboz hardly recommends you to use corn starch, since it’s far better than the potato one.

      And now some starch, you’d better used corn starch.

    14. Whip all the ingredients of the filling thoroughly.

      All the components should be mixed.

    15. Take the dough out of the fridge and divide it into halves one of which should be bigger that another.

      Remove the dough and divide into parts, one bigger than another.

    16. The baking we dish we use for it should be covered with parchment. Place the bigger part of the dough on it, spread it flat on the bottom and don’t forget to form higher edges.

      Lay the baking dish with parchment and spread it in the dish, then form edges.

    17. Divide the remaining dough into pieces of different size and place them on the curd filling.

      The remaining dish should be divided into pieces and placed on the filling.

    18. Bake giraffe cheesecake in the preheat oven at 360F for about 60 minutes. Completely chill the pie in the baking dish, then put it the fridge for a few hours or for all night. It’s ready now, Bon Appetite!

      Preheat the oven at 360F and bake the cake for 60 minutes. Take the cake out of the oven, chill it and keep it the fridge for all night. Then serve with coffee or tea.

    Giraffe cheesecake the recipe of which HozOboz prepared for you today is ready now! Of course, it took a little time and effort but the result was worth it! The cake so beautiful, yummy and healthy and it’s impossible to resist the desire to eat it right now. And be ready to give this recipe to every single person whom you’ll treat with it.

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