
  • Nutrition Facts
  • Calories: 241
  • Protein: 8.85
  • Fats: 9.51
  • Carbohydrates: 28.43

    Tatar cuisine is famous not only цшер belyashi but triangular pies called Echpochmak. Preparation of these Tatar Echpochmak is actually very simple even though it has such complicated name. Fresh or yeast dough, wrapped in an envelope of triangular shape, with potato and meat filling in the chopped version - that is, in fact, a traditional Tatar Echpochmak.

    A brief history of the dish

    Meat dishes are culinary basis for the Tatar people along with various pastries. In the past, the nomadic peoples living in prairies were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding. Products made of dough, along with meat dishes in Tatar and especially Echpochmak which appeared in the classic version (meat + potatoes + onions) relatively recently, namely, about the same time as the potatoes  were first imported in Russia. The main feature of Echpochmak recipe is a filling of raw ingredients and the triangular shape of the pies. By the way, "ech" and "pochmak" are translated as three angles. Together with Hozoboz we’re going to cook there delicious pies, which, by the way, can be made both quickly and simply.

    Ingredients for the dish


    • 500 grams of chilled veal
    • 3 potatoes
    • 1 large onion
    • Salt and pepper

    For the dough:

    • 1 pack of butter
    • 3-4 tbsp of wheat flour
    • 150 grams of sour cream
    • 100 ml of village (homemade) milk
    • Salt

    Ingredients for molding and baking:

    • 2 tbsp. of flour
    • 100 grams of butter

    The step-by-step recipe for öçpoçmaq

    1. Begin cooking Echpochmak with stuffing. Peel the onions and potato tubers. Put them in a bowl and fill it with cold water.

      Onions and potatoes should be peeled and put in a bowl with cold water.

    2. Wash the veal and wipe it dry, then cut into cubes. The most convenient way to do it is freezing the meat a bit.

      Wash and dice lightly frozen veal.

    3. Then take the onions out of the water and also chop into small cubes.

      Having  soaked in water, onions should be cut into smaller cubes.

    4. Put chopped veal with onions. Season with salt and  freshly ground pepper. You can add other spices as well. Stir the stuffing.

      Mix the chopped veal and onions. Now dress with minced spices you like.

    5. Potato tubers are cut into two parts and then chop into long strips. Then dice it.

      Potatoes are cut into small cubes.

    6. Add the potatoes to the meat and onions and mix everything thoroughly. The stuffing for Echpochmak is prepared. You can put it in the fridge, but not for long.

      Add the potatoes to the minced meat.

    7. The next step is the the dough. Rub the butter on a fine grater.

      To make the dough, grate the frozen butter.

    8. Pour the flour to the butter and grind into crumbs with your hands. Add the sour cream.

      Add the flour and rub it with butter and then add the sour cream.

    9. Then pour the warm milk.

      Pour warm milk.

    10. Knead the very soft dough. If the dough will stick to you hands, add some wheat flour. Add a pinch of slat during mixing.

      Knead the dough and don't forget to add a little salt.

    11. The resulting loaf pack is covered with cling film and put in the freezer for 10 minutes. Then pull out and spread on a floured cutting board.

      The finished dough should be put in a film and put in the freezer for 10 minutes.

    12. Roll out the dough in a thin plait.

      Chilled dough should be rolled out.

    13. Then from the small pieces of round shape with a knife. Dip them in flour and spread on a cutting board.

      Divide into pieces and roll each of them in flour.

    14. Roll out a thin blank in tortillas of round shape, but it should be done so that in the middle the layer of dough was a little thicker than on the edges.

      Each should be rolled out into a circle.

    15. Distribute a teaspoon of stuffing on the dough circles, and add a cube of butter for juiciness.

      On each piece, put a teaspoon of stuffing and a piece of butter.

    16. Finish the preparatory process by molding Echpochmak. Connect the tortillas with minced meat in the shape of triangles.

      Make each pie and give it a shape of a triangle.

    17. We put them on a baking sheet coated with parchment, and then in the oven, preheated to 430F.

      Bake öçpoçmaq at 430F after placing them on a baking sheet lined with pre-parchment.

    18. Bake for 30 minutes, but in a warm oven. Ten minutes before the finish of cooking, grease with melted butter.

      Baking the pies for 30 minutes. However, for 10 minutes until cooked, they should be well greased with melted butter.

    19. Tatar Echpochmak are incredibly delicious and literally melt in the mouth, one by one. Tastes great with meat broth instead of bread.

      The cakes are ready now. Bon Appetite!.

    Options and variations of the dish

    Not less tasty but more difficult to prepare, are considered yeast Echpochmak. First you need to knead the dough with yeast, and then wait for it to come and then start making the stuffing. You can cook large triangles and make them with a hole. Do not connect the top edges of the cakes, and leave a small hole. Due to this the meat will be well baked. However, such Tatar pies are necessarily supplemented with the broth to the juiciness of öçpoçmaq.

    The benefits of the dish

    Triangular Echpochmak is first and foremost a very nourishing dish. The flesh of veal in combination with potatoes and onions are nutritious and beneficial vitamin products, especially when it is not subjected to the frying oil. Dough itself is a source of carbohydrates which can boost the energy of your body. To conclude, all the national recipes presented in the reviews on Hozoboze can be found in no restaurant, therefore they're easy to cook at home kitchen. Here we are pleased to tell you about other traditional Tatar pies. We're looking forward to your letters.

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