Главная / Рецепты / 1 hour 30 mins / Charlotte with plums

Charlotte with plums

  • Nutrition Facts
  • Calories: 196
  • Protein: 4.5
  • Fats: 2.8
  • Carbohydrates: 37
    Шарлотка со сливами

    Today in our review there is again a dessert and not just any, but a real one. This is everyone's favorite plum charlotte. You will be right if you say that the right charlotte should be cooked with apples, but no one will deny that a very successful, if not the most delicious, charlotte is obtained with plums, because it is a surprisingly juicy and at the same time not too sweet fruit that makes the dessert soaked and not dry, but still very fragrant. This is the reason why we chose plums as the second ingredient for the filling, and not peaches or, for example, pears.

    The dough recipe we used today is quite familiar to those who cook this cake all the time, and if not, then there will be an occasion to try something new. In addition to the cooking guide itself, we will talk about the history of this simple, but beloved dessert by everyone, about its features, cooking secrets and, of course, the benefits.

    History of the dish

    Charlotte in the classic version is a pie made from apples that are baked in dough. Initially, it is believed that this type of pastry was borrowed from the British and therefore very much resembles the classic recipe for making English pudding. For such a pudding, it is necessary to soak the bread in butter or an egg, then lay the bottom of the mold with bread, place apples on it and cover with bread again on top. You can place several layers of filling at once and get a magnificent charlotte or pudding. The main thing is not to forget that both must be baked in the oven and undergo heat treatment.

    The pudding was usually served with ice cream or whipped cream, so a similar method was later borrowed by the creators of charlotte. It is also not entirely true that apples are the best filling for such a pie, they are used more often only because of their prevalence and cheapness in Europe. And in general, the preparation of charlotte is not a tricky business, and therefore there are a great many similar recipes. From the so-called "Russian charlotte" with Bavarian cream and whipped cream to the usual popular nowadays biscuit dessert with sliced apples, plums, dogs or other fruits.

    There is even a romantic story about the appearance of charlotte and, of course, they associate it with the lady of the heart, with whom one cook was hopelessly in love. The name of the beauty was Charlotte, and therefore, allegedly, the famous pie was invented in her honor. But is it true or not, and which of the stories is true today is no longer known, so it's time to talk a little about the intricacies and secrets of cooking that we know:

    1. the main rule is not to add too juicy fillings to the pie, otherwise they will let the juice and the pie turn from lush and dense into liquid and creamy;
    2. do not overdo it with flour, otherwise the dough will become clogged and the cake will lose splendor and softness;
    3. for juiciness, put butter in small pieces directly on the filling and only then pour the dough;
    4. Be careful not to overbake the charlotte - this can also cause loss of flavor.


    • Eggs - 7 pcs.
    • Flour - 1 cup
    • Sugar - 200 g
    • Butter - about 25 g
    • Salt - on the tip of a knife
    • Soda - 1/4 tsp
    • Apples - 4-5 pcs.
    • Plums - 6-8 pcs.
    • Cinnamon - about 2 tsp

    How to prepare plum charlotte:

    1. Prepare the products that we need in the process;

      To begin with, we will prepare all the necessary products

    2. Put the whites and yolks in a separate bowl;

      Separate the whites from the yolks

    3. Add salt to the proteins;

      Pour salt to the proteins

    4. Pour part of the sugar into the yolks;

      Add a third of all the necessary sugar to the yolks

    5. Beat the whites into a dense foam;

      Beat the egg whites into firm peaks

    6. In a creamy mass, beat the yolks with sugar;

      Beat the yolks with sugar until the consistency of sour cream

    7. Combine the whites and yolks and mix thoroughly;

      Now mix the whipped proteins and yolks

    8. Add some more sugar to the dough;

      Pour another third of the sugar into the mixture of proteins and yolks

    9. Do not forget to add a quarter teaspoon of soda;

      Now pour 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda into the dough

    10. At the end, add flour and beat the dough well;

      Lastly, add the flour to the dough and beat until the lumps disappear

    11. For the filling, wash, clean and dice apples;

      Apples in the filling must be peeled and cut into large cubes

    12. My plums and cut into slices;

      Cut plums into large slices

    13. Lubricate the baking dish with butter, and then sprinkle it with flour;

      The cake should be baked in the prepared form: greased and sprinkled with flour

    14. Pour apples into the prepared form;

      Distribute apples evenly along the bottom of the mold

    15. Put plums on top of the apples;

      Place slices of plums on top of the apples

    16. On the filling, spread the butter cut into pieces;

      To add juiciness, put pieces of butter on the filling

    17. Sprinkle fruit generously with cinnamon;

      Sprinkle natural cinnamon on top of the filling

    18. After that, sprinkle the filling with the remaining sugar;

      Sprinkle the remaining sugar on top of the fruit filling with cinnamon

    19. Fill the pie with batter;

      Spread the batter evenly over the entire surface of the pie

    20. In a ready-to-bake pie, all fruits should be covered with dough;

      Ready for baking, the cake should look like in the photo

    21. Place the cake in the oven and bake at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes;

      Bake the cake in the spirit of preheated to 180 degrees for at least 40 minutes. To check readiness, pierce the dough with a match - it should remain dry.

    22. The finished cake should be removed from the oven and cooled at room temperature for at least 15 minutes;

      When the cake is baked, take it out of the oven and let it cool

    23. Then slice and serve with tea or a scoop of vanilla ice cream;

      Charlotte with plums is best served warm and, if you are not afraid of extra calories, with ice cream

    The benefits of the dish

    If you follow these simple recommendations, charlotte with plums will turn out to be truly beautiful and very fragrant. But how great is the benefit of such a dessert and is there any at all? Here's what we need to know today. So, is charlotte useful? No doubt yes! And the first reason for this is that this dessert is almost 70% apples, and in our case, plums. These fruits are useful on their own, and even more so when baked. Apples contain flavonoids, pectin and antioxidants, and they are also great for removing toxins and have a great effect on digestion.

    In turn, plums also make their own contribution: they are a mild laxative, promote the removal of harmful cholesterol and are famous for their diuretic properties, ridding the body of salts and toxins. Together, all the ingredients of charlotte can be called without a twinge of conscience a low-calorie and at the same time healthy dessert, which means plum charlotte is shown to everyone and everyone if they want to treat themselves. Therefore, without delay, we offer you charlotte with plum and its signature recipe from HozOboz.

    Here we have such a charlotte with plums, we hope its recipe did not leave you indifferent and you will offer this dessert to your loved ones today. Or maybe you have your own branded recipes, then we look forward to letters and will only be happy to cooperate. Let's cook together - it's fun and interesting. We are your faithful friend in culinary experiments. Always Your HozOboz.

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