Canned apples

  • Nutrition Facts
  • Calories: 47
  • Protein: 0.4
  • Fats: 0.3
  • Carbohydrates: 10.3
    Π―Π±Π»ΠΎΠΊΠΈ консСрвированныС

    In the cold winter cold, there is nothing more pleasant than having fun gatherings at the dinner table and eating various delicious desserts. Among them, a special place is occupied by canned apples, which, unlike flour products, will not spoil the figure, but will allow you to calmly enjoy the pleasant sweet taste of fruits. hozOboz is also that sweet tooth, who loves to enjoy various goodies. Therefore, I decided to devote today's review to the recipe for canned apples.

    Through the pages of the history

    For a long time, the secret of how to preserve apples was kept secret by the hostesses, fearing that the courtiers of the kingdoms would find out the recipe and treat the entire royal army with healing compote. As a result, apples could become a scarce fruit, and commoners would lose any opportunity to preserve not only compote, but also prepare jams, apple jam and other goodies for the winter. But their fears were justified as a result of an absurd situation.

    Once the beauty liked the prince, who came to her parents to ask for the hand of his daughter. The frightened parents were speechless at such a proposal, and at the request of the nobleman to bring some drink to quench their thirst, the mother presented the sir with canned apple compote. β€œMagic!” exclaimed the prince, having tasted the taste of compote. β€œI want my future wife to prepare such drinks for me all my life,” said the sir and knelt in front of the dumbfounded bride.

    Since then, all of Rus' has tried apple compote, which people have learned to cook not only in the summer season, but also skillfully close in jars that can preserve the exquisite taste of dessert for a long time. So, today something phenomenal will happen in the kitchen of HozOboz - we are preserving apple compote. So let's put everything aside and start conservation.

    To do this, we need a modest list of products:

    • 2 kg. fresh semi-ripe apples;
    • 270 gr. pure sugar;
    • 2 sprigs of fragrant dried mint.

    Cooking steps:

    1. We prepare apples. We select whole semi-ripe fruits without flaws in the form of black dots and damage to the skin. Ideally, apples of the white filling variety are suitable, but if they are difficult to find, then fruits of other varieties are quite suitable.

      For harvesting, we select ideal ripe fruits, preferably white filling varieties.

    2. Thoroughly wash the apples under a plentiful stream of water. It is important to remove all bacteria and microbes from the fruit, which in the future can become the main cause of compote fermentation.

      Thoroughly wash apples under cold water.

    3. Pour the apples into a special fruit colander so that all the water is glass.

      We shift all the washed fruits into a colander and let the water drain.

    4. Carefully place the apples tightly in a clean three-liter bottle. Do not fill the jar with fruits to the top - just fill half the container.

      In a three-liter sterile jar, we tightly pack apples up to half the volume.

    5. Add a few sprigs of mint. Cloves, vanilla, cinnamon stick are alternative additives that can be added at this point to give a natural dessert a spicy taste.

      Add a few sprigs of mint or other spices to taste in the blank.

    6. Boil 3 liters of clean filtered water.

      Bring 3 liters of water to a boil

    7. Carefully pour boiling water to the edges of the jar. As a precaution, you must first put a towel under the jar, which will quickly absorb hot water in case of spillage. Cover the jar with a lid and leave for 20 minutes.

      Pour boiling water into jars, filling them to the brim, and leave to infuse for 20 minutes.

    8. We put a colander special for canning on the neck of the jar.

      After 20 minutes, put a colander lid with holes on the jar

    9. Completely drain the hot water.

      Drain the water from each jar into a pot for re-boiling.

    10. Add sugar and again bring the water to a boil.

      We introduce water into the pan and bring the syrup to a boil.

    11. Pour the syrup into a jar.

      Fill jars with apples with ready-made syrup.

    12. Cover with a lid for preservation.

      We cover the jars with metal lids for blanks.

    13. We roll up the jar and send it upside down to the basement.

      Using a special key, we roll up the jars, send them to the basement and turn them over onto the lid.

    14. We are waiting for winter and invite everyone to the table to try the delicate taste of a sweet dessert.

      That's all, our delicious sweet apples are ready for winter evening meals!

    Apple preservation options:

    The recipe for preserving apples proposed by HozOboz is a drop in the ocean of variations in the preparation of this delicious and beloved by many desserts. Canned apples can be closed not only as a whole, but also in large pieces. By adding a sprig of lemon balm, sea buckthorn or a bunch of raspberries to the syrup, the compote will be even more aromatic, and the apples will be even sweeter and tastier - a true delicacy for the sweet tooth. Poles preserve apples with tomato juice, while Ukrainians prefer to add honey to compote. Whichever method you use, the apples will turn out with amazing taste.

    Useful qualities of the dish

    Apples are one of the healthiest fruits for the body. They contain a huge amount of fiber, pectin and iron, so they help get rid of various diseases. They normalize blood hemoglobin levels and are an excellent natural prophylactic against anemia.

    After an illness, they help the body quickly restore the work of all functions and organs, improve well-being and cheer up. But their most important value is the ability to resist the development of cancer. Therefore, the more often this fruit appears on your table, the less often you will be disturbed by various diseases.

    HozObozu can't wait to try canned apples, so he has to take his leave, having finished his review, and taste the prepared dessert. But the series of recipes dedicated to conservation does not end there. As soon as hozOboz comes to his senses after the pleasure experienced during the meal of this delicious dessert, your culinary friend will immediately begin to further prepare fruits, vegetables and pickles for the winter.

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