
  • Nutrition Facts
  • Calories: 419
  • Protein: 8.2
  • Fats: 17.15
  • Carbohydrates: 55
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    The dessert that we will offer you today can hardly be called something special, but it can be safely attributed to the category of a universal delicacy. And all because biscotti cookies, as the Italians call them, will be an excellent addition to a cup of fragrant morning coffee and a wonderful opportunity to treat yourself to something sweet in the middle of a busy day. Moreover, many Italians always have a small bag of biscotti in their bag to satisfy their sudden hunger. With the help of our recipe, now you can please your loved ones with these simple and at the same time delicious cookies. But before we talk about what the biscotti recipe is, we will offer you a brief historical excursion, and also pay attention to the benefits of the dish and the features of its preparation.

    Biscotti is the name of an Italian biscuit whose feature is dryness and a special, slightly elongated and rounded shape. Often among Italians you can also hear the word "biscotto", which means, in fact, the same thing. If you translate the name of this dessert literally, it means "baked twice." For the sake of justice, it is worth noting that, according to the original recipe, Italian biscotti is really dried twice: during the baking process and after cutting. However, depending on the preferences and characteristics of the formulation, re-drying is sometimes not necessary. In the original, the cookies are tender and melting.

    For our recipe, we chose Italian biscotti cookies with hazelnuts and orange zest. This is one of the most common and one might even say classic options that everyone likes without exception. However, there are a great many similar ones in Italy. It is often said that there are as many biscotti recipes as there are housewives in Italy.

    Some add chocolate chips to it, others prefer cocoa, and someone even mixes candied fruit - in general, how many people have so many opinions. Dry biscotti cookies, the recipe of which you will learn today, are best served with drinks. It will be an excellent addition to tea or coffee, as well as dessert wines or hot chocolate. But in order for this tandem to be perfect, it is important to properly prepare biscotti and we will do everything so that there are no difficulties with this.

    History of Biscotti

    As for the history of the creation of such a dessert, it was most likely invented in ancient times in one of the famous Italian pastry shops on the shady and winding streets of ancient Rome. But world fame came to him with the light hand of the famous confectioner Antonio Mattei at the Paris Exhibition of 1867. It was there that he presented his famous cantucci cookies, the prototype of which was biscotti. Then the cantucci won the gold medal of the exhibition and eventually became the hallmark of Italy. Needless to say, interest in the rest of the local pastries in general has increased, and this is how Bisconti entered the international arena of world-famous and beloved sweets.

    Confectionery Antonio Mattei still exists and is located in the city of Prato. It is there that festivals and exhibitions dedicated to the famous liver are regularly held. If you are in Italy, be sure to drop by and indulge yourself with bread and circuses, the impressions will be truly special, because it is always nice to become a piece of history, even cookies.


    • Flour - 330 gr
    • Hazelnut - 1 tbsp.
    • Salt - 1/2 tsp
    • Soda - 1/4 tsp
    • Baking powder for dough - 1.5 tsp
    • Butter - 70 gr
    • Orange peel - 2 tablespoons
    • Sugar - 3/4 tbsp.
    • Eggs - 2 pcs.
    • Vanilla - 1 tsp

    How to make biscotti:

    1. To begin with, we will prepare all the necessary products;

      Let's start by preparing the ingredients

    2. In a bowl, mix all the bulk ingredients except sugar;

      Mix flour, salt, soda, baking powder and vanilla in a deep bowl

    3. In a separate bowl, mix sugar and soft butter;

      Separately combine butter and sugar

    4. Add orange zest to the oil mixture;

      We send orange peel to the butter pounded with sugar

    5. Grind the oil manually or with a mixer;

      Rub the butter until smooth with the help of whisks

    6. Add eggs to the oil mixture;

      We introduce chicken eggs into the mixture of butter and sugar

    7. Whip everything until the consistency of sour cream and start adding a mixture of dry ingredients a little at a time;

      Beat the dough from butter and eggs and in small portions add the flour-based mixture prepared in advance into it

    8. Pour chopped nuts into pieces into the already prepared dough and mix everything thoroughly;

      Chop the hazelnuts into pieces and add the dough when ready, then mix well

    9. We form two flattened baguettes from the dough. We place them on a baking sheet covered with parchment;

      We cover the baking sheet with paper and form two long baguettes from the dough with nuts, which we put on the baking sheet, slightly flattening

    10. Bake cookies in the oven preheated to 175 degrees for 30 minutes.

      For baking, heat the oven to 175 degrees and place the biscotti baguettes in it for about 30 minutes

    11. Remove the finished cookies from the baking sheet and cut into pieces about 2-2.5 cm wide. If desired, they can be sent back to the oven and dried on each side for about 5 minutes. And now we serve tea and bon appetit to everyone!

      Cut the baked baguettes into cookies 2-2.5 cm thick and, if desired, additionally dry them in the oven for another 5 minutes on each side. We preferred not to dry, but to try it right away!

    That's the whole simple and quick recipe for amazingly delicious cookies. To bake biscotti as in our photo, you do not need special knowledge or experience in a pastry shop, just have the desire to surprise loved ones and a little time. If you know no less quick and tasty recipes, we look forward to receiving your letters. Join the HozOboz family. We are always glad to new friends. We are always your adviser and friend in any tasty business!

    The benefits of the dish

    Now as for the benefits of the dish. First of all, we note that, contrary to popular belief, not everything tasty is harmful. So biscotti, despite its exceptional taste, can be called a low-calorie dessert. Sure, it's not fat-free chicken breast, but it's not a fat creamy cake either. So if there is a desire to enjoy, then it is better to give preference to a dessert like biscotti.

    Firstly, because it either does not contain at all, or contains too little animal fat. Secondly, such dried pieces turn out to be very light, which means that the amount of food eaten is large, and there are a minimum of calories. The situation is somewhat similar to the story with corn sticks. Thirdly, for those who are always on a diet, it can be suggested to use whole grain flour as a base and minimize harm to the figure and even more, get the maximum benefit.

    And nuts can be considered an important ingredient of this delicacy. We used hazelnuts and now we will remember what benefits we can get from it. First of all, it should be noted the high nutritional value of this nut, because it is no less valuable in the diet than fish or meat, and in some places even greatly surpasses them. It is interesting that in 100 grams of such a seemingly nondescript nut there are about 60% fat, 20% protein and almost no carbohydrates, and therefore it is perfect even for diet food. Moreover, it is hazel that is recommended to be eaten by pregnant and lactating mothers to increase lactation.

    Hazelnut contains an excess of vitamin B, and in different forms, which has a great effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system, as well as vitamin E, which makes it indispensable for the health and beauty of the skin, as well as the prevention of cancer. Nature did not deprive him of the chemical composition from zinc to iron. The micronutrients contained in this nut keep our teeth and nails healthy, protect blood loans and lower cholesterol levels.

    So this is not just a nut - it is a storehouse of benefits and health, but it must be used wisely. Due to the high nutritional value and rich content of micro and macro elements, it is recommended to consume no more than 50 grams of hazelnuts per day. Well, eating nuts along with cookies is much nicer, so it's time to learn how to cook biscotti - here is our recipe with a photo.

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